18 July, 2016

Te Paki - Giant Sandhills!

To get to 90 mile beach, you need a 4WD or bicycle, and go down Te Paki stream.  We had neither, but we did have boogie boards for the sandhills. 
 In the winter, a boogie board work sufficently, but in the Summer, hireage of sandboards are recommended.
 The urchins decided the tallest sandhill was the best one to try.
 It was super windy at the top, and a rain squall came over, so we huddled behind the boogie board.
 90 mile beach was still a decent walk away, but we were here for the sand.
 More sand...
 The sand got in our eyes, the wind noise was like 1,000 hair dryers.  The boogie board became a great shelter.
 Once the small storm had passed over, riding down the sandhills was the most fun.
Quinn getting ready to ride the sand
Anneke on the edge of the hill
 Next to the sandhills were some amazing windblown sand sculptures.
 Quinn and I explored the sand canyon.
We could watch the others go down the sandhills. Oscar went the most.
 I really enjoyed seeing the changes in textures created by the wind and rain.

 Quinn felt like he had experienced a desert, but with the convenience of water and food handy.

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