17 July, 2016

Ohakiri Pa, St Paul's Rock, Whangaroa Peninsula.

The rock dominates the surrounds, so we had to climb it. 
 Straight up the hill from Whangaroa township.
 The Maoris created terraces to grow crops to trade with European sailors that visited the harbour.
 Still a long way to go around the rock to climb to the top.
 Looking towards Tauranga bay in the distance.
 The harbour on the other side of the hill
 The steepest part, and we needed the chains.
 Yay!, we made it.
 Whangaroa township and marina enjoying the showers and sunlight.

 Even us oldies made it to the top. 

The wind picked up, and a squall required us to take shelter in the lee of the wind and the horizontal raindrops. Tighe felt like he was going to be blown off the edge, so we just walked back a bit, and were out to the wind and rain.  Weird.

 The sun came out as it always does, and we kept on smiling.

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