20 July, 2016

Northland exploring - Car ferries and Kauri trees

 The Hokianga harbour is large and it is a windy drive to catch the ferry at Rawene.

 The ferry goes at every half hour, so we had time to experience the weather conditions while waiting.
The ferry on it's way.

Travelling across the Hokianga
 Rawene is a small village at the other side. 
Once off the ferry, we stocked up with fuel and popcorn, and continued to the Waipoua Kauri Forest, as we wanted to see Tane Mahuta before dark.
Tane Mahuta, "Lord of the Forest", the largest kauri tree in New Zealand. It stands 47 metres tall and is estimated to be 2,300 years old. 
Tane Mahuta
 Spent the night at Waipoua campgrounds.  The showers were wonderfully hot, and the insects BIG!

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