15 July, 2018

Greg's Birthday

Greg and Erik have been friends for over 30 years.  Today Greg celebrated his birthday. He has a new house in Mill Valley, and the GPS took us on the scenic route instead!
 Driving through the redwoods that lined the narrow lane was an adventure!
 Fortunately, we only met a few cars coming in the other direction.
 A picturesque drive and refreshing on the hot day.
Perhaps there were 50 or so people to help Greg celebrate.
There were plenty of children, and the urchins convinced several of them of a variation of the rules of rugby (which included weapons, and free for all violence).

There is a flat section next to the trampoline, and the children played soccor for most of the afternoon.  
 It was observed that NZ children play rougher than USA children.

The hawks were flying really low to the house in Mill Valley.
Many of the guests were interested in our impressions of the USA, and differences in education and healthcare. 
The urchins enjoying some quiet time at the end of the day.
Quinn and Finn having some "adorable" time

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