31 July, 2018

Submarine - USS Pampanito

Took the opportunity while at Fisherman's wharf to visit a submarine, the USS Pamanito. I have been on a Russian sub, and a German Sub. It was great to see inside a USA sub.
The audio tour was useful, as it provided lots of information about each section on the submarine.
 The urchins could travel from the rear of the sub, to the front, in their own time.
 The crews quarters were very cramped, 3 layers of beds.
 Washing machine and sink were available for the crew.
 The Captain's cabin wasn't very big either.

 Lots of doors to step through, that separated each compartment.
 Narrow corridors and low ceilings. Officers quarters on the left, Captain's quarter on the right.

 The radio room was tiny and squashed.
 The operations room was red lighting, as it was easier to adjust to dark, than from white light.
 Even New Zealand was on the map!

 The torpedos were in the next bay forward.
 The toilet was here too!

 The climb out was steep.

 The fog was still over the bay, and Alcatraz was peeping through.

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