10 July, 2018

At the Beach

Today was a rest day, we rested at the Beach.
Maybe a 10 minute walk from the house,  Muir Beach is extremely busy during the Weekends, as people from the City like to visit. The beach is much quieter during the week.
 There is a small stream, that creates a fresh water lagoon.  The urchins prefer this to the Ocean.
 The water is warmer than the Rotorua Lakes in the Summer time.
 Nicole is visiting with us as well.  She is from the same school as Anneke and Quinn.
 Haven't seen the fog for a fews days now, and the temperatures are in the mid 20s.
 Quinn and Tighe like burying each other in the sand.

 Now they have decided to tunnel through to each other's holes.
Plenty of crows on the beach.
The tunnel worked!
One the walk back to the house in the twilight, BATS flew around us, like butterflies.

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