28 July, 2018

Church of 8 wheels - again!

 One of the rewards for staying longer in one place, is that we can do some activities twice.
Saturday afternoon, we rolled again at the Church of 8 Wheels, a dis-used chuch at 554 Fillmont St, San Francisco.

 The urchins were much more confident, and tried more tricks, and rolled faster.
 Anneke found the inline skates much more comfortable, and had a great time.

Urchins deciding which tricks to try next.
Oscar was much more confident too.
I really liked how the lights changed the "feel" of the church. The juxtapositon of religious artwork and disco lights was fascinating.
 To make things interesting, the direction was changed, and the urchins struggled abit, going in the opposite direction.
 Some of the skates had neon lights on the wheels, which looked cool!
 Tighe managed to perfect his "jumps"
The Pastor
Oscar really enjoyed the Hokey Tokey, and really could turn about on his skates.
 YMCA was fun to roller skate to, and the urchins were smiling.

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