08 July, 2018

Wildlife in Marin County

Lizard on Mt Tam
 Living in Muir Beach, gives us all an opportunity to experience the wildlife in the area.
Beetle on Mt Tam
 The house is in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and we are always spotting different creatures.
Snake on the trail to Tennesse Beach
Lizard in the garden
 Even down at the beach, we encountered skunks in the dark, and bats.
 On afternoon, coming back from the beach, these fawns were in the driveway.
 Sometimes dipping your toes in the Alpine Lake on Mt Tam can have surprises.
 The mountain bike trails come with extra obstacles.
 Even the deck wasn't immune from the wildlife,  foxes explored while we ate dinner.
 In the night the raccoons opened the rubbish bins, and helped themselves to food scraps.
 Bobcats and coyotes were on the hillside trails.

Most days, the deer would be in the garden, or on the lawn.
 The herd was small, a buck, 6 does, and 3 fawns.
 The lizards were hard to spot, but the urchins found them.
 Our first snake was on a trail not far from the house.
 The yellow "cucumber" slug was revolting and huge, bigger than our Tiger slug.

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