31 July, 2018

Fisherman's Wharf / Pier 39

Took the ferry from Sausalito into the City.  Walked along the Embarcadero to Fisherman's wharf.
 Visited some of the sites from the movie Antman and the Wasp. Still debating with the urchins, which carparking building the last scene was set in.
  Plenty of sea lions at the pier, and plenty of people watching them.
The urchins needed some souveniers, and Pier 39 has to be the touristy place of San Francisco. The usual key rings, magnets, t-shirts, and other Made in China souveniers are all available. 
 Donuts provided sustenance, and the crowds kept coming.  I am not sure what they came to do and see, there are just restaurants and tacky shops.
Quinn perfected sliding along rails
Further down the wharf were lots of eateries, the urchins just wanted fries, and we forgot about the added tax (plus a tip), when looking at the prices.
There were a number of street performers, and people begging for money and food. Some were more inventive than others.
The weather cleared up, and it was pleasant stroll back to the ferry later in the afternoon. Erik was already on the ferry, we stopped for some Mt Tam Triple Cream Brie, and some sourdough bread for snacking.

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