28 July, 2018

Japan Town - Dragon's breath

Peace Pagodo
 Japan Town is situated between Post and Webster streets.  Three complexes are joined together, and connected by an enclosed pedestrian bridge across Webster St. We just felt like we were in Japan.
Parasol Mural in the East Mall
 The shopping centers run in a row along Post Street, between Fillmore and Laguna Streets: East Mall (Miyako), West Mall (Kintetsu), and Kinokuniya Mall
 The enclosed complex create aJapanese atmosphere inside the buildings, where rows of unique shops and Japanese restaurants march along the corridors.
 Most of the restaurants have "display" food at their entrance. We were familiar with most offerings and the urchins decided they wanted to try Japanese crepes.
The bridge connecting the shopping complexes had unique Japanese shops, fabric, kimonos, tea sets, tea, books, sake, collectables, and clothes.
 The crepes were US$7 each, and delicous. Filled with fruit and real cream, the urchins were delighted.
 I was more adventurous, and tried a Japantown sundae.  Green tea gelato, red bean paste, and green tea sauce with whipped cream.  Yes it was weird, and also delicious, not too sweet.
While we were eating our crepes, the urchins noticed a new phenomenon.  People would eat a coloured ball with chopsticks, and breathe out fog. 
 The cereal balls are dipped liquid nitrogen. We purchased a small cup for US$5.
 Dragon's breath
Crunching on the cereal ball was cold, and made the dragon's breath more visible.
Cheap entertainment watching the urchins try different ways to have the greatest dragon breath.
 Kinokuniya Book store is a fascinating place. Two floors full of japanese books, toys and cuteness.
 Cooking books and children's books were my favourite
 These collectable glow in the dark figurines caught my eye.  Very cute.
Cat hats are a thing, and lots of variety to choose from.

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