21 July, 2018

Hard day at the office

Summer time in Northern California.
 Ventured up PanToll road, on Mt Tamalpais, and explored the trail to O'Rourke Bench.
 The urchins enjoyed the swing  on the trail.
Next to O'Rouke's Bench, is a study rope.  Of course the urchins needed to test it out.

 O'Rouke's bench is a stone structure, that has been built into the hill, in memory of Dan O'Rouke.
 The ocean was covered in fog, as was the city of San Francisco.

 Not sure how many hours we spent here, but we didn't leave until the arms of the urchins could not hold on any longer.

 It was a bit of a stretch to get the rope, even for the taller ones amongst us.

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