06 July, 2018

Musee Mecanique

The Musée Mécanique, one of the world's largest (over 200) privately owned collection of coin-operated mechanical musical instruments and antique arcade machines in their original working condition.
This was creepy when they danced.
The characters moved their heads and the musik was nice.
Lots of different arcade games of different ages
The girl skipped
This was funny, and only cost a nickel
 Entry was free, but cost me about $US 50 in quarters.  There were machines handy to convert your US notes into quarters. Most games cost 1 quarter, but some cost 3 quarters, and some only a nickel (5 cents).
Most of the urchins got some gumballs from this game
 This car game was more difficult than it looked, but the urchins enjoyed it.

 Tighe was very good at the sharp shooter, plenty of practise with his electronic games.
 The "massage" chair didn't run on electricity, not sure how it vibrated, perhaps magic?
 Oscar did well in this game, he came 2nd.
 There were some weird games too.
 Quinn was interested in the Skee Ball.

 A hockey game requiring two people. The urchins had several games.
 The "cook" gave out jewellery.  Rings or necklaces.
 Several of the games helped determine if you were a good kisser or lover.

 Tighe really liked this pinball machine.
 The "Grandma" behind him predicted your future.  Some of the results ....
 I really liked the Addams Family pinball game.
 Some more predictions of how sexy I am, and how good a lover I am.
 This game determined what your career would be.  Some options were School Teacher, Hot Air Artist, Fish Peddler, Love Pirate, Lion Tamer, Movie Star, Dictator, Moocher, Stooge, Dish washer, Doctor, Nudist.
 Anneke did well in this game.
 The Musee Mecanique is located on Pier 45, near Taylor Street in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf.

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