06 July, 2018

Ferry to San Francisco

 Took the ferry from Sausalito into the city of San Francisco.  While we were waiting for the ferry, we explored the boutiques in Sausalito. There was a Christmas shop.
 Perhaps these decorations will look good on our tree.
 In the main plaza / park area there are skunks!
 The fog stayed away, but it was breezy.
The urchins were surprised how big the Bay Bridge was.
 The ferry's path was next to Alcatraz.
 There were a lot more buildings on Alcatraz than expected.  The urchins tried to guess what the function of each building was for.
 We would have liked to tour the island, but it is fully booked until mid August.

 The clouds changed quickly because of the wind.

 There were lots of ships waiting for the tide, so they could come into port.
 The ferry building was full of food stalls and a farmer's market. We spent the day along the Embarcadero, visting the different piers. Lots of tourists. The urchins had mini donuts for lunch, and I enjoyed wild cherry ice cream.
 Walking back to the ferry, a street performer was entertaining the crowd.  We caught the last 5 minutes of his show.
 The walk back to the ferry terminal took about half an hour.
 Caught the 4pm Ferry back to Sausalito, and Erik joined us as part of his commute back to Muir Beach.
 The bikes have their own place on the ferry.
 The skyline fascinated the urchins, and lots of different architectural features.
It seemed weird to see a flag on the end of a crane.
 There are two layers of traffic on the bay bridge, and 5 lanes on each side, in each direction.
 Saw pelicans, and seals on the way back to Sausalito.

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