01 July, 2018

Foggy Day - Exploring time

Hummingbird in vege garden
San Francisco Bay Area has fog. It rolls into the Bay in the evening, and normally burns off by 11am.
 The travelling classroom. The urchins keep upto date with their school work electronically.
 The fog didn't clear, we went exploring anyway. These are the steps down to Muir Beach. The hill in the background is our destination.
Despite the foggy day, lots of people at the Beach.  It's their Summer break, people were surfing.
As is the nature of the urchins, they climbed up rocks, and along cliffs. We found wild strawberrys, and heard rustling in the bushes. (no snakes though)
There are plenty of Hawks in this area, and nearby Hawk Hill, has over 1,000.
The goal was to get into the fog. The fog wasn't cold, which was disconserting to begin with.
Finally we got to the start of the fog.
The Bumblebee only has two yellow stripes.
At the top of the hill, the fog all around.
The fog creates these mosaics with the water droplets.

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