22 July, 2018


There is a crop of rocks on the other side of the valley that have been beckoning to the urchins, come and climb me.
Another lizard
 The trail starts at the Muir Beach road entrance, and it is gentle climb until the rocks.
 Getting on the rocks was more complicated.  We walked further up the hill, and scanned the area for animal trails.  We all had a stick, and checked for snakes at obstacles before moving ahead.
 After a few false starts, a deer trail lead the urchins halfway up the hill to where they could climb on the rock structure.
 The fog was rolling in from the ocean, and the beach wasn't too busy.
 The "Barrel" on Starbuck Drive was visible, as well as the US$ 8 million mansion on the hilltop.
 Below was the "Pelican Inn", the only business, a pub at Muir  Beach.
 Walking back down, the urchins decided to cool off at the beach.
 I really like all these mail boxes at the entrance to Muir Beach.

The paintings on some of the mailboxes are really joyful.
 The protruding rocks in the background are where we got onto the rock structure.
 Cooling off in the lagoon, with the rock structure in the background.
 Twin baby deer on the driveway, I don't know who was more surprised - them and their Mum, or us!

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