06 September, 2015

Boats, sea, and swimming

Spent the afternoon in Mele Bay enjoying the sun and the tropical weather.
 Tighe powered the boat over.  The urchins enjoy driving the boat between the jetties.
Quinn went skim boarding, and Tighe swam in the warm water.

 It was great to see the boys enjoying each others' company, laughing and playing together.
 I explored along the black sand beach, discovering textures and patterns.

 The bark of a washed up tree intrigued me, I could see a face in sand and bark texture.
Reminded me of an oil painting
  The conditons were perfect for reflections in the wet sand.

 Quinn controlled the boat on the way back to Hideway / Mele Island.
Erik went off for a bike ride on Efate.  The setting sun reminded me that there was an acrobat show over at the Beach Bar, in Mele Bay, so I rounded up the urchins, and we took the boat across for the evening entertainment.

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