03 September, 2015

Fish and Clams

Most of the day was spent in or around the water.  Tighe saw a lion fish, and Erik and I saw a yellow trumpet fish.  We went out deep to the reefs edge (90m) and snorkelled.  Lots of different fish, anemone fish, and clams.  The water was cold out at the reefs edge.  

Parrot fish

 The water was clear, and the fish friendly.  The coral has been damaged, but beautiful.

Trumpet fish

Trumpet fish

Lemon Peel - I love their blue eyes

Another type of trumpet fish, I swam with a school of them.

 Yellow Trumpet fish. 

 Moorish Idols.  My favourite.  I swam with this group while they explored the reef.

I dont know what these are, some sort of Anemone maybe.  They are like tiny trees.
 We went out on the coral safari at noon, the water was deeper, and Oscar and Tighe found it too cold.  Great variety of fish.

Out at the reefs edge, it drops of about 90m.  Larger fish are out here.

 The green on this fish fascinated me.  I had not seen this fish before. 

6 bar wrasse

Cleaner fish in the coral

Blue Angel

Green clam

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