02 September, 2015

Exploring Mele Island (Hideaway Resort)

Erik unpacked his bike, and went off for a ride up a steep hill.  You can read about that here. Erik's cycling adventures Day 1
The urchins tried out the pool, and declared it great.  I got my snorkelling gear, and ventured down to the beach with the urchins.  The reef got damaged in April by Cyclone Pam, the coral is pushed up on the island.  There is no sand.  Reef shoes were required to walk along the water front.

There is plenty of fish life and they are not afraid of humans.  Looking into the clear water, we could see a blue sea star. butterfly fish, wrasses, trigger fishes, parrot fish, yellow tail fusiliers, damsels, and blue fish I don’t know the name of.  The water was deliciously warm (25+), a dwarf lionfish, trumpet fish, palette surgeon, and bicolour angels joined us on our snorkel discovery.
Cruise ship leaving Port Vila
Before the sun went down, we explored the edge of the island.  It didn't take too long to walk all the way around.  Tighe was excited as he saw a sea snake.  (perhaps it was a moray eel). 

 Further around the rocky edge, Oscar saw a striped sea snake.  Such excitement, we all saw it.  Tighe got nervous when it latched onto the rock he was perched on.   
A moray eel swam out from under a rock.  It was huge, I didn’t realise how long they were.
There are lots of tropical plants and flowers in the garden. 

Erik got back just after dark.  A hot shower, and pizza and salad for dinner.  Erik tried the coconut curry.  After his bike ride up the hill, he devoured it quickly, declared it needed as least 2 extra bowls of rice, and ate everyone else’s pizza and hot chips.
 Movie night on the beach, which the urchins loved.  Lovely and warm.  We are on holiday.

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