08 September, 2015

Island Life, Mele Island, Vanuatu

Once the urchins had completed their schoolwork, and Erik had completed his cycling, we all ventured over to Mele Bay for shopping at the market. 
The urchins needed some souvenirs, (even though they had picked up plenty of shells).  The market sold sarongs, bags, bracelets, massages, necklaces, dresses and sunglasses. 
Several of the stall holders gave the children bracelets, as a thank you for the school supplies.  I managed to get some sarongs with turtles on them, as a reminder of the turtle santactuary.

Once back on Mele Island, the plant life caught my attention, with the brightly coloured leaves of the tropical plants.

I have seen these as house plants in New Zealand, but the colours were vibrant on the island.
There is an ancient Banyan tree near the restaurant.
Mama grows these flowers, but they are not as purple, her ones are yellow and white.

Finally, I took one more walk around the island, time for farewell.  Tomorrow we fly home.

The bananas are nearly ready.  There were quite a few hands on this banana treee.

Thank you for a wonderful warm relaxing break Vanuatu.  I will be going back to the real world tomorrow.
Looking towards Port Vila

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