03 September, 2015

Holiday Life

Woken in the night by the gecko.  He crept onto the bench, knocked two glasses over. Very loud in the still of the night.
  Our bed is super high, so we watched the sun rise of the island of Efete. 

Erik went on another biking adventure, you can read about that here:  Erik's Bike adventure Day 2
 A walk along high tide before breakfast, urchins found hermit crabs, and more shells.
 Breakfast of fresh breadfruit (tastes like a sweet lemon/lime) and watermelon.  The urchins loved the pineapple juice.
Hermit Crab Village

After making a village for the hermit crabs, the urchins did their schoolwork, then enjoyed the pool. 

 I enjoyed not being at work.  Erik joined us after his bike ride.

We found the underwater Post Office, and Erik and Tighe swam down to it.  Lots of fish varieties, and the water was deliciously warm.
 The post office got damaged during Cyclone Pam.  Not operational at the moment.

Anneke and Tighe
Tighe and some fishes
The coral reef had been extensively damaged by Cyclone Pam in April 2015, and there are efforts in place to help nature recover. 
 "baby" coral growing on concrete blocks to help recover the area
Most of the day was spent in or around the water.  Tighe saw a lion fish, and Erik and I saw a yellow trumpet fish.  We went out deep to the reefs edge (90m) and snorkelled.  Lots of different fish, anemone fish, and clams.  The water was cold out at the reefs edge. 

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