08 September, 2015

Morning walk between the Islands (Efate and Mele)

 The tide was right for a early morning walk to/from the mainland to the island.  A  boat ride over to the mainland, then we walked back to the island before breakfast.   
The sand spit was the furthest out we had seen.
 Deciding which way to go.  I didn't want to get too deep.

 About half way across, and the water wasn't too deep. It was good to change direction, and go more left, it was shallower there.
About halfway across
The deepest it got was half way up my calf.  There are iron posts that mark the shallow part, so we wandered by those.  
 Tighe and Oscar wanted to go deeper, so they walked “straight” across from the sand spit.  Several times we walked between the mainland and the island and back again. 
Found a sea urchin (kina) small with stripes and a white sack.  Beautiful.

Breakfast of breadfruit, watermelon, and toast.   This green insect / butterfly kept us company.

As it was low tide, I wanted to take advantage of the shallower water and snorkel the edge of the drop off, past the second pontoon. I was in the warm water before 8:30am. 

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