07 September, 2015

Snails, Bats, Pigeon, and Pizza

I wanted to try some Vanuatian food, other than the equivalent of a hangi.  I had read about the local fruit bat (flying fox) and how it was cooked..  A root vegetable is crushed (Taro, kumura, or cassava), the prepared meat is dipped in the crushed root, wrapped in banana leaves, and put in the ground oven.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find bat done the traditional way, but several restaurants in Port Vila served it in the French manner, ie a rich sauce.
The garden area where we dined.
 L’Houselat had a reputation for flying fox (bat) and wild pigeon, plus 20 varieties of Pizza, so the urchins could play it safe, and have pizza, while Erik and I tried the bat and pigeon. 
The main restaurant

The Escargots were amazing, and I recommend them - Garlicky, buttery, and yummy.  Lots of bread to soak up the flavours.  Even the urchins ate them.

The flying fox was strongly gamey flavoured, with a texture of pulled pork.  The pigeon was more delicately flavoured.  Each had their own rich wine sauces, and both were served with rice, mushrooms and beans. 
Bat with rice and green beans
Wild pigeon with mushrooms, and rice.
 I enjoyed eating the meat on their own, as I found the sauce over powered the meat. 
Erik sucking the delicious meat off the bones
 20 Varieties of Pizza.  Quinn was in heaven.  Anneke played it safe with a Pineapple and Ham, Quinn's had bacon and mushroon, Oscar's had potato (very filling), and Tighe had 4 cheeses.
Bacon, pineapple, mushroom and cheese
Dessert was chocolate ice cream, served in chocolate milk, with whipped cream.  A spoon and straw were used to enjoy the iced confectionery. 
On the way back from L’Houselat, Kaupi made a quick stop off at the Mamas Market.  Tighe and I found some Raspberries.  Perfect for our hot day tomorrow.  Manuvouring the van down the potholed lane to the jetty, I spotted a large moth on a building.  Kaupi reversed, so the urchins could see it.  A night butterfly, not a moth according to the locals.  Large as Tighe’s hand.

Night Butterfly
Night butterfly with Tighe's hand.
The boat trip to Mele Island was cooler, glad we had our jackets.  Finished the evening with a couple of hermit crab races.  What a full on day.

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