04 September, 2015

Port Vila, Efate, Vanuatu

Spent the morning around the pool and snorkelling the reef, while Erik went on an Epic cycle ride around the island.  It took him 6 hours, and the great thing was, he wasn’t exhausted at the end of the ride.  You can read about that here: Erik's cycling Adventure

Took a bus / taxi (van),  into Port Vila in the afternoon.  Good for the urchins to see what life is like in a different world.  Cost 2400V return, and the driver Kaupi arranged to pick us up later.

Wandered down the main street, the buildings are run down and dirty, vans/taxis bumper to bumper, noisy and hot. I was surprised at the lack of French signs.  Everything was in English.  We found a French cafe where the urchins enjoyed an icecream.
Visited the Mama’s Market, and enjoyed the fresh wild raspberries, tomatoes, and bananas.  

 Tomatoes were in season, the red stood out amongst the greens.

  Cyclone Pam has affected the fresh fruit production, no star fruit available, but plenty of water melon now.  Tried a small nut called “nufin”, and got a whole stick for 100 V.  

 Different types of “crisps” so got 4 different varieties, banana, taro, cassava, sweet potato.  Needed a little salt but delicious.
 Wild raspberries piled high. 200-300V, delicious.

Peanuts ready to eat.

The urchins enjoyed playing on the playground nearby, and at the agreed time, Kaupi picked us up.  

Quinn was fascinated by the smallness of the vans.

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