25 October, 2019

Gračišće - Central Istria- Croatia

This small town / village has so many churches, as well as skull and crossbones gravestones. 
We parked next to the school,wandered behind the local convenience store, and discovered the town.

One of the particularities of Gračišće is its urban structure: the town, once surrounded by walls, is divided into districts of which every one has its own square with a church. The most representative is, of course, the town centre – the Plac, with the church dedicated to the Mother of God, the chapel of St. Anthony and the Salomon Palace. This part can be accessed through the West Gate with a Loggia erected in 1549. On the other side of the Gate the street splits left towards the Parish Church of Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, and to the right towards the residential district around the square and the church of St. Pancras dating back into the 14th century. The street going along this church used to lead towards the south town gate.
The Plac and the church of Mother of God

The West Gate

The church grounds of St Vitus
 The view from the church grounds showed the surrounding hilly areas, vineyards and olive groves.
 Looking back towards the town, were the red tiled roofs of the residential area.

Unexplained grave stones in the church grounds of St Vitus. Pirate skull and cross bones. Mysterious history of the area.

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