20 October, 2019

St George's Church - Piran - Slovenia

St George's Church, Piran, dedicated to the dragon slayer. Positioned on the hill in Piran, we could see three countries - Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia.

It was built in the Venetian Renaissance architectural style. It was the life work of the stonemason Bonfante Torre, from Venice, completed in 1614.

St George slaying the dragon.

St George slaying the dragon - (note the church in the lower background)

The Crucified from Piran - 14th century

In the basement of the church, is a small museum with artefacts recovered during the restoration of the church.

St Michael's old wings

Grid of stone window - 12th Century

Altar balustrade - 9th Century

St George slaying the dragon in Venetian Silver style

St George's boot

Looking down to Tartini Square,Piran

Red tiled roofs of Piran

Octagonal Baptistry dating from 17th century.

North View of Piran and City walls

Tartini Square and Croatia in distance

One of the three bells in the Bell Tower

St Michael on top of the bell tower

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