21 October, 2019

Bats in Ljubljana - Slovenia

I had read about bats in Ljubljana. It is best to see them at sunset. Take a walk by the river, because lots of bats go there to feed. Water attracts bugs and bugs attract bats. Take a stroll from Triple Bridge to Park Špica, or sit by the river and observe, head to Koseze Pond, look under the bridges.

While you can’t hear them when they feed, you’ll be able to hear a sound similar to that of the grasshopper around the street lights where they also congregate to hunt for insects. Those are their social calls, a way of communicating with one another.

Erik and I were wandering back from the supermarket,and walking through Kulture park to the apartment, when I noticed movement around us. Bats! They were larger than the ones we saw in Muir Beach, Sausalito, USA.

The Bat Society has also set up bat boxes, since with renovation of many old building bats are losing their natural habitat. You can spot these dwellings in Tivoli, Rožnik, Šišenski hill and around Koseze Pond and also on some buildings in Ljubljana.

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