18 October, 2019

Ljubljana Castle - Slovenia

 The castle dominates the skyline, a 15 minute walk up the hill, makes the fortification an easy visit.
 A fortress has stood on the hill since the 13th Century.  There have been a number of additions to the fortifications over the centuries.
 In the second half of the 15th Century, the new fortresses built, are the ones still standing today.
 The castle started as walls, towers, and wooden barracks.
 There were frequent invasions from the Ottomans in the 16th Century. Later, Napoleon conquered the city and there is a statue of him in the old town.
 After the fall of Napoleon in 1815, the castle became a military hospital, and then the state penitentiary.

 During the first World War, the castle became a quarantine station for prisoners of war from the Italian front.
 In World War II, it faced fascist and Nazi occupation.
After the war, ostracised citizens of Ljubljana lived in the castle until 1963 in terrible conditions. In the 1970s, the renovations began, and now the castle is a popular tourist activity.

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