23 October, 2019

Waterfall Village Rastoke / Slunj - Croatia

Our plan was to stay in Rastoke for the night, and get to the Plitvice  Lakes for the 8am start. After visiting Turanj and the war museum, and seeing empty abandoned houses for the rest of the journey, this waterfall village was a balm for the soul.
The village is nestled in the valley in a meeting place of two rivers, the Korana and Slunjcica. Houses are built over waterfalls. A beautiful place to visit.
 As the Slunjcica river get to Rastoke, it begins to fork and fork again, creating streams that spread throughout the village.
 All these different stream end up creating over 23 separate waterfalls.
 Some little rapids pass through the village, while larger ones pour down into the Korana River.
 Rastoke and Slunj were a frontier border for much of their history, as they are wedged between the Ottoman Empire and the kingdoms of Europe.
As it is a milling town, the local economy took a hit in the 20th Century.  As it is only half an hour drive to the Plitvice Lakes, it's not on the tourist map.
 It took us about an hour to wander around the village, and look at the cascading water, the buildings, the streams, and the waterfalls.
The sun began to set just as we were making our way to the top of the hill, and a local was singing in his shed.
 For my dinner I had baked layered mushrooms, similar to a lasagne.
Recommend to visit Rastoke and Slunj.

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