06 October, 2019

Walk in the Woods

 Now that daylight savings is upon us, I can get a walk in the Redwoods after work.  The urchins tagged along too.
Pohutu Geyser
 The great thing about living in Rotorua, is that the thermal activity is always close at hand.  The view from the look out had the different colours of Rotorua, the sulphur and the steam.

 These mud pools are on our trail up to the lookout.
 It's Springtime, and the forest floor was full of ferns unfurling.
 There were a few puddles for Tighe to get his boots muddy.

 Just past the Waipa Carpark bridge, we tried out the new un-named track, it is full of tree ferns.  Looking forward to trying the trail out on the mountain bikes.
There were a few silver ferns in amongst the pongas.
One of the urchins described the forest experience as "feeling the spaciousness of the spaciousness".

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