21 October, 2019

Postojna Cave - Slovenia

Postojna Cave, is about 1 hours drive from Ljubljana. We were fortunate to get the last tickets for the 9am start. Tours go every hour, and I recommend booking in advance.
 It is difficult to describe how large the caverns are, they are huge, and full of incredible structures that have taken hundreds of millennia  to be created. They are about 25 kms long, and we travelled by train from the entrance to get further into the caves.

All the twisted translucent rock was inspiring.

The Stalactites are icicle-shaped formations that hangs from the ceiling of a cave and is produced by precipitation of minerals from water dripping through the cave ceiling. The colours, the textures, the shapes. I was over whelmed by natures artistry.

The walk through the caves took about 45 minutes. There are so many different caverns and limestone formations.

 This is a definitely put on your "to do" list if visiting Slovenia.

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