14 August, 2022

Bike exploring Ugii nuur - Mongolia


We are staying the night at Lake Ugii. After setting up my bike and making sure everything was set up properly, I decided to head up the hill to get a view of the lake. I only had an hour before dinner, but I rode 12.5 km and climbed 250 metres.

After climbing a short rise and descending again, I began to climb in earnest towards the ridgeline.

I also began to notice lots of these tiny rodents. I wasn't sure what they were at first.Another one. I saw hundreds of them on the way up the hill, but none as I came back down, and realised that it must be the position of the sun -- I had the sun behind me on the way up so they couldn't see me, but on the way back down the sun was in my face and they saw me well before I got to them.

When I got back and could look at my photos properly, I realised what they were: mice.

The steep climb up the hill.

At the top were a few crows.

And some goats and sheep.

The view of the lake at last.

This is an ovoo -- a small outdoor shrine. 80% of the population is buddhist, and they have these ovoo at the top of every major pass and hiilltop -- it's traditional to stop and walk around it clockwise three times for good luck while passing, though if you're in a hurry apparently you can just toot your horn instead.

Always good to know you are going in the right direction.  Өгии нуур is Ugii Lake in Mongolian.

Heading back to the camp for dinner.

This frame with a well-dried skin was near the entrance to the campground. I think it's a goat skin.

We stayed in these wonderful ger tents -- I had to bend almost double to get through the door, but inside they were warm and comfortable. My bike also stayed in the ger as well overnight.

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