18 August, 2022

Cycle tour. Travel to Mongol Els (Little Gobi) - Khugnu Khan Nature Reserve - Mongolia - Day 4 - Last stage


After being in the vast landscapes of Mongolia, with just the other cyclist for company, it felt weird being in the van, on a road, and seeing other vehicles.

The ever changing landscape didn't disappoint. Massive mountains, and now sand!!

This is a ger settlement at a major road intersection.  Lots of different food stalls to tempt travellers. We didn't stop, as our final destination of the day, Khugnu Khan Nature Reserve was about 1/2 hour away.
Camel riding is a popular past time here, perhaps tomorrow I will go for a camel ride.
Down a sandy track was our accommodation for the night.  Bayangobi ger camp. A weird pyramid shaped mountain is in the distance, and the sandhills are the Little Gobi desert - Mongol Els.
I am really excited about exploring these sand dunes tomorrow.  
Two humped camel rides available, but I wasn't going to do that today, perhaps tomorrow.
Two humped camels wandering around near the campground.
Staying the night at Bayangobi ger camp, close to the Khugnu Khan Nature Reserve. All the luggage has been unloaded from the vans, and now on the cart, being carried to our gers for the night.
This ger only has single beds, however the fire looks cool. Looking forward to it's warmth tonight, a thunderstorm is forecast.
The facilities are nice and clean, and plenty of showers.

The Mongol Els desert from the bathroom window.  

Khugnu Khan nature reserve in the distance. Tomorrow we will be exploring those mighty hills.

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