11 August, 2022

Mongolia Exploring and Cycling Itinerary

Our itinerary for the next 12 days. The first few days are in Ulaanbaatar, getting used to the altitude, and exploring the city.

Day 1. Exploring the city Ulaanbaatar, and the Dinosaur museum.

Day 2. Mountain biking near Ulaanbaatar short ride, and then a temple museum Choijin Lama. This was sensory overload.

Day 3. Mountain bike 75 km loop through the ger villages in Ulaanbaatar.

Day 4. Explore by foot, Gandantegchinlen Monasterythe Centre of Shaman eternal Heavenly Sophistication, and the National Museum of Mongolia.

Day 5 - Drive to Lake Ugii and also visit a traditional Mongolian wedding celebration in Dashinchlen. We arrived at Ugii Lake, late in the afternoon.  A short 12 km ride to explore the area.

Days 6 - 10 Cycle tour exploring 

Day 6 Ugii Lake to Tsenkher Hot Springs. It's 109km and will take all day. River crossings and vast landscapes.  Tsenkher Hot Springs are geothermal hot springs surrounded by forest.

Day 7. Today our adventure takes over the mountain ranges to the Orkhon valley A distance of 80 kms.

Day 8. First we visit a waterfall and then cycle 100kms in the Orkhon valley. A traditional Mongolian ger camp in the middle of nowhere is our overnight stop. 

Day 9. A 90km ride through the Övörkhangai-province, over a 2,000m high hill, visit with nomads and then a 50km drive to Khugnu Khan Nature Reserve

Day 10. A bit of everything, thunderstorms, ambulance ride, and hail exploring the Khugnu Khan Nature Reserve.

Day 11. Back in Ulaanbaatar, I even found a quilt shop

Day 12. Farewell Mongolia and start the long journey home via Seoul Korea, Sydney Australia, and Auckland New Zealand.

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