17 August, 2022

Cycle Tour - Orkhon Valley- Mongolia - Day 3 (Stage 2)


Today we are exploring the Orkhon Valley. After visiting the Orkhon Waterfall, Ulaan Tsutgalan, we are heading north through Bat-Ulzii, and then into the hills. It's about a 100 km ride today, and will take 7-8 hours.

There are so many large birds flying in this valley.  I think is is a White Spotted Eagle.

The Orkhon valley has archaeology sites that indicate humans settled in the valley about 60,000 years ago. 

There is plenty of bird life.

The terrain is rough, with the volcanic rocks making it difficult for the vans and cyclists to find the trail.
Sometimes, it was just easier to carry the bike across the lava rocks.

These are the only "fences" we saw. The valley is open grasslands for the cattle to graze.
More yaks.
That's the direction we are heading, past the forested hills.
This is how a ger is taken down. They are moving to another area.
The grass manages to grow on the hard lava rock.
Snuggled in the middle of the valley is the small settlement (soum) of Bat-Ulzii. 

It feels weird seeing buildings grouped together, after being in the open grasslands. There is a medical centre, a school, a market, and petrol station.
This is the main road into the soum.  In the winter, the temperature drops to -34 C,  compared to the summer, 25 C.
The name of the town is one the side of the hill. Makes it easier for the nomads to locate it.
These cyclist are going the wrong way.  We turned them around and sent them off to the right.
The motorcycle has replaced the horse for these nomads.

Did I mention how I like the painted doors of the ger.  Each one is different.

All the cyclists stayed together today, it hasn't been so hilly, riding the valley.
One lane bridges, just like in New Zealand.

We are about halfway, so time to stop and have a refreshment break, as it going to become hilly.

The road alongside the hill, is where we are travelling next.

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