20 August, 2022

Ulaanbaatar - final days

The next two days in Ulaanbaatar were a bit of a blur. We transferred back to the hotel, and slept as much as we could in the circumstances. Erik got extra pillows, but the plaster cast made it very difficult for him to sleep. He napped.

We ventured out on the second day, to eat and have some Mongolian food for the last time.

Seabuckthorn juice. I like it hot. Flavour is similar to a hoarthorn berry, but in juice form.
We slowly wandered along familiar streets, our moods subdued. Erik was in a lot of pain.
Lunch was a simple affair of horsemeat with thick noodles. I had soup and with a side of Huushuur, which were large half-moon shaped fried pastries filled with mutton meat.

There was a children's playground nearby, and we rested there, before making our way back to the hotel.
Always an interesting mix of architecture in Ulaanbaatar.

This shed below, is a convenience store.
After an afternoon nap, we met up with the others, and enjoyed an Indian farewell dinner.
Batbayar, Ruth, Erik, Tyler, Pete, Eric, Willie, John from Aussie who joined us for the evening, Emilien, Greg, Sandy, and Joseph

Even at night, the horns were still honking.  Farewell Ulaanbaatar, it has been an adventure.

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