12 August, 2022

Zuu Temple - Choijin Lama Temple Museum - Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia

The Zuu temple has ornate gables, painted beams, and terracotta animals on the roof.
The architectural details of this building are fascinating, and I think I spent more time looking at the outside of the Zuu Temple, than visiting the interior of the building.
Carvings on the wooden pillars, beams, posts, and doorways.

Facing the entrance to the Zuu Temple, are three large paper mache buddhas.
Decorated on the interior walls of the Zuu Temple are exquisite paper mache sculptures.

The three buddhas.
The Main Temple reflected in the glass cabinet at Zuu Temple
Avalokiteshvara made from paper mache

A Khata, Khada, Khadag or Hada is a traditional ceremonial scarf used in Tibet and Mongolia. It symbolizes purity, goodwill, auspiciousness, compassion and sincerity of ones offering, with no negative thoughts or motives in mind.
Looking out the door into the temple grounds.

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