15 August, 2022

Tsenkher Hot Springs - Mongolia

 We are staying the night at the Tsenkher Hot Springs.  It's nice to have a hot soak after the long day of travel. The geothermal water is at 85,5°C, at the Spring and  the nearby tourist camps and health resorts get hot spring water through pipes to their sites.

Most of Tsenkher hot springs tourist Ger camps / resorts are situated near to the hot spring, and have pools and treatment services for their guests.  The area is surrounded by high mountains and forests, so you can go for walks around as well. We didn't as we were tired from our journey from Ugii.
Our ger camp had two hot pools on the complex. The smell of sulphur is in the air. One of the pools was hotter than the other, about 40-42 degrees.  When it got cooler, the owner just popped the hose with the hot water into the pool. When the pool was hot again, he just placed the hose into a drain, and the hot water poured into that. 
The hot spring water is alkaline, that contains hydrosulfuric acid and silica as well as other minerals. . The water is good for treating rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular pain and arthalgia and help improving digestive system, restoring immunity after surgery and recharging yourself. Very similar to the hot pools in Rotorua, even the showers had a sulphur smell to them. Felt a little homesick.
Good to see the firewood for the fire tonight. The bed and pillows are very firm.
I got to try the local Mongolian soft drink, Tzrzlj. The main ingredient is the flower on the can. The drink was floral flavoured, and refreshing.
I like how the expectation is that you take your shoes off, when you arrive inside the ger. Slip on sliders are provided, but they were a little small.  

Dinner tonight was Yak meat, rice, potatoes, Russian Salad, and cucumber and tomato as garnish.  The yak meat was delicious. I took one taste of the Russian Salad, and it tasted weird. It had gherkins, peas, potatoes, and mayonnaise.  The mayonnaise tasted "off" to me, so I didn't eat the salad. 
Dessert was ice-cream and a cherry. Simple and delicious.

When we got back to the ger after dinner, they were lighting the fire.  Once lit, the ger warms up extremely quickly. The insulation layers of the ger kept us warm all night.

Erik, Pete, Emilien, Eric,Greg, and Joseph all got food poisoning, and spent most of the night in the toilet  facilities. They thought it was the yak meat, but I suspect it was the salad.

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