16 August, 2022

Cycle Tour - Tsenkher to Orkhon - Mongolia Day 2 (1st Stage)

Several of the group didn't get a good night's rest, they had food poisoning, which I suspect was the mayonnaise in the salad. 
Breakfast was pancakes, and sausages, with cucumber and tomato for garnish.
Loading the van up with all the gear and water.  Some of the riders will join me in the van today, as they are not well enough to ride the 80 km journey to the Orkhon Valley.
The terrain today will be through forests, pastureland, and over three high peaks. We will travel from the Arkhangai province to the Övorkhangai province, and into the Orkhon valley.

Only about 10 percent of Mongolia is forested. After the grasslands yesterday, seeing trees is a change of scenery.  It is very hilly.

An Ovoo is at the top of the pass, and the passengers got out, as some were a little queesy from the windy rough hill climb.

I climbed up the hill on the other side, as we needed to wait for all the riders to get up the hill.  Plenty of insects, butterflies, and flowers.

I am not sure which direction we will be travelling in, but all the ways look hilly.
I don't know the names of the wild flowers, but I do like their colours.

Joseph, from Switzerland, was the last rider up the hill.

Greg and Pete were in no rush to get back in the van.  They were feeling the after effects of the food poisoning.

Further along, Pete felt unwell, so walked for a bit.  The terrain was steep.
Plenty of goats and sheep in this area.

The hills  and grasslands, interspaced with forest, and then ger camps randomly appearing, the landscape is appealing.
Insect on a flower.
Forest , river, animals, and ger camp

The vans have had to go over rough terrain today. 

Emilien and Eric take it easy riding past the goats.  The goats have electrical tape wrapped around one horn. This identifies the herd and the nomad that the goat belongs to.

Wide open spaces, no people, and big blue sky. Mongolia is good for the soul.

A river crossing, the vans made it across without any help. Tyler carried her bike across.
While we were waiting for all the riders, some children from the local ger camp came over and skimmed rocks into the river.  I only had pencils to give to them.

Willie on his way to the next hill pass in the Arkhangai province.

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