12 August, 2022

Temple of Amugulange - Choijin Lama Temple Museum - Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia

 The Temple of Amugulange (Bliss and Virtue), the last temple in the complex of the Choijin Lama Buddhist Monastery in Ulaanbaatar. The temple is also called the Temple of undur gegeen.

I really like the shape of the building,the architectural details, and the contrast with the modern buildings surrounding it.
The paintings on the ceiling above the outside door were intricate, and I wish I understood the symbolism.
Exotic (to me) birds painted at the entrance.
The round windows on this building caught my attention.

The temple has an unusual 8 wall design, which mimics the traditional mongolian nomadic felt house, or ger tent.

The temple has paper mache covered walls with humorous depictions of the disciples.

In the central dais of the temple, sits a paper mache statue of Zanabazar, the Mongolian spiritual leader from the 1600's.

Zanzabazar was born in 1635, and a direct descendant of Chinngis Khaan.
Gilt bronze statue - One with Indestructible Mind.

Zanabazar also innovated single cast sculpting.  Distinct from the traditional method of making small parts and welding them together, Zanabazar did a single cast.  The temple has several sculptures of this technique.

Amitabha - Gilt brass.

The ceiling is ornate, and fabrics decorate the walls.

Jowo Shakyamuni - 19th century - Clay, wood, gilt brass.

Eleven Faced Avalokiteshvara - Gilt Brass

Fortunately, all the visitors left, so I could get some distance between the statues and the walls.

1,000 year old Bronze stupa created in India, and brought to Mongolia by Zanabazar.

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