12 August, 2022

Inside the Main Temple - Choijin Lama Temple Museum - Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia

The Main Temple features an 18th-century gilt statue of Buddha Sakyamuni with a statue of Choijin Lama Luvsankhaidav on the Buddha's right.

In addition, the temple boasts a copious collection of religious instruments, thangka paintings, silk embroideries, wood carvings, statues, and a biggest collection of cham dance masks.

Shakyamuni Buddha's disciples Shariputra and Maudgalyayana.

Shakyamuni Buddha

Detail of the offerings.
Side view of Shakyamuni Buddha to give an indication of size and scale of statue.
I have tried to capture the overwhelming layers upon layers of colours, shapes, and texture of the inside of the temple.

We explored the East side of the Main Temple, which led us to the annex which contains the Zankhang Temple. Then we explored the West side of the Main Temple. 

East Side

Paper mâché, pigment, and silk Mahakala.

Long horns in front of a row of paper mâché masks. Behind the masks are a row of bronze buddhas, and then against the wall are more paper mâché objects.

Model of Monasteries were on both upper sides of the temple.

Paper mâché mask of Shri Devi


Paper mâché animals and heads lined the walls.

Detail of the painted beams.

The Deer  and  The Bull, made of paper mâché. These were on the interior wall.

The Eight Cold Hells (painted cotton)

Detail of the monastery model.

Wall panelling the divides the annex from the Main Temple.

West Side of the Main Temple

Begtse Dharmapala made from paper mâché , coral, silk, and cotton. 

Exquisite embroidery and appliqué using silk and silk yarn.
The Eight Medicine Buddha

The Eight Hot Hells (painted cotton)

Lord of Bogd Khaan Mountain - Paper mâché and silk

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