10 August, 2022

In Transit - Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea

Slept until late. Checked out of the transit hotel, and found breakfast along the concourse. Hot chocolate, yummy pastries. We've got until 4.30pm for flight, so we need to spend the day in transit.

Every hour there is a performance by a classical singer or traditional musical instrument.

 Walked a lot today, as there wasn't anything else to do. Plenty of windows to look at aeroplanes, and luggage being loaded.
Was I brave enough to have fried octopus for lunch?
I think this is the city of Incheon in the distance.
Yay, the Mongolian flight to Ulaanbaatar is on time.  We have a 430pm departure, 3 hours 40 minutes flight.
We fly over China.

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