11 August, 2022

Ulaanbaatar - Sükhbaatar Square

About 5 minutes walk from the hotel is Sükhbaatar Square. On the way we passed the National Drama Theatre, and then strolled through the Chinggis Khan garden. 

The blue building in the background is the Blue Sky Tower Hotel, and a really useful landmark.
In July 1921 in the centre of Ulaanbaatar, Damdin Sükhbaatar (the ‘hero of the revolution’) declared Mongolia’s final independence from China. A square later built on the spot now bears his name and features at its centre a bronze statue of the revolutionary astride his horse.

We saw wedding groups getting their photos taken in the square. Peaceful anti-communism protests were held here in 1990, eventually ushering in the era of democracy. Today, the square is used for rallies, ceremonies, rock concerts and festivals. Last week the square held the national basketball championships. It's a relaxed place.
The enormous marble construction at the north end was completed in 2006 in time for the 800th anniversary of Chinggis Khaan’s coronation. Behind the Chinggis monument stands Parliament House, which is commonly known as Government House. An inner courtyard of the building holds a large ceremonial ger used for hosting visiting dignitaries.
At its centre is a seated bronze Chinggis Khaan statue. He is flanked by Ögedei (on the west) and Kublai (east). Two famed Mongol soldiers (Boruchu and Mukhlai) guard the entrance to the monument.   

To the east of the square is the 1970s Soviet-style Cultural Palace, a useful landmark containing the Mongolian National Modern Art Galleryand several other cultural institutions. At the southeast corner of the square, the salmon-pinkish building is the State Opera & Ballet Theatre

The fence around the Parliamentary buildings and garden. The symbol of Mongolia is on each section of gate.
The new Chinggis Khan museum.  Not open yet, should be in October 2022.
Walking to the Dinosaur museum, the pedestrian path goes in the middle of the road, and it's fenced and has trees.  Vehicles go one way on the let and right.  Feels very safe to walk. There is art work and shelters along the way.  I guess they need those in the winter months.

Freedom square and the dinosaur museum.  Took about 15 minutes walk from Sükhbaatar Square.

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