13 August, 2022

Gandantegchinlen Monastery (Part 3)- Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia

Founded in 1838, Gandantegchinlen Monastery was one of the only ancient Buddhist monasteries to survive Soviet rule in Mongolia.

Take the time to explore the monastery grounds. There are 7 other temples, a university, and a library.
Fortunately we missed the rain, and took advantage to visit some of the other buildings. The main temple took about half an hour to visit.
I love all the different shapes and colours.
This was the library, but we couldn't work out where the actual door to enter was.  I like the grass growing on the roof tiles.

The 13th Dalai Lama lived at the Gadantegchinlen Monastery, back in 1904.
Buddhism is the main religion in Mongolia and this is the largest, still functioning monastery in the country.

Wandering around the alley ways and explorng the courtyards is very relaxing.
I watched a lady pray at this door.  I didn't understand the significance, but the ritual was important to her.

Architectural details give the monastery an exotic feeling.
The monastery complex is on a hill, so the exit is down hill.

One of the ornately decorated gates on our way down the hill.
Guardian at one of the gates.
Large prayer wheels at the base of the hill of the Monastery.
The last gate, and back to modern Ulaanbaatar.
A smiling Buddha and flower garden along the walkway.

The walkway goes down the centre, one way roads on both sides.  Plenty of pigeons.

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